Ideja karti je da se osobama koje su imale iskustvo traume i stresa pomogne da krenu u pričanje njihovih ličnih priča, koje možda po prvi put nekome pričaju. Kroz karte klijenti mogu prepoznati neka stanja i osećanja bliska njima i tako mogu otvoriti priču o ličnoj traumi.
Međutim, sem karata koje klijenta pozivaju na otvorenu priču u traumi, bolu, strahu, sramu, nemoći i bespomoćnosti ove karte mogu da oslikavaju i razvojni put klijenata, otvaraju priču o promeni, nadi i isceljenju.
English Version of a text HERE.
One mogu da se koriste u radu sa decom i odraslima svih godišta i pola, budući da je glavni lik na kartama zeka sa kojim se svako može poistovetiti.
Ilustrator Kosta Milovanović je zeki udahnuo život, emociju, pokret. Čak i oni ljudi koji nisu imali izrazita traumatična iskustva – mogu da se prepoznaju u kartama, jer one ne samo da se koriste za stres i traumu već i za različite životne dileme i stanja koja takođe mogu da se prepoznaju u kartama. Zbog toga one mogu da se koriste u radu sa svim klijentima u psihoterapijskom procesu koji to žele.
Ni jedna karta nije po sebi pozitivna ili negativna – svaka ima isceljujuću moć u psihoterapijskom procesu jer otvara priču o traumatskom iskustvu. Klijent joj daje narativ u skladu sa svojim iskustvom i perspektivom.
Značajan cilj ovih karti je osnaživanje psihoterapeuta za dublji rad na traumatskim iskustvima klijenata. Jer, traumatska iskustva nisu laka za proradu i otvaranje – nikome, pa ni psihoterapeutima. Jačajući sopstvene kapacitete i znanja o traumi i stresu, kao i sposobnost držanja klijenta dok istražuje delove sebe koji su bolni za pogledati – psihoterapeuti stvaraju za klijente sigurnu i mirnu luku u kojoj mogu biti ugledani i prihvaćeni.
Ukratko, ove karte obezbeđuju i psihoterapeutima i klijentima bogato polje dijaloga o traumatskom iskustvu.
Karte su brižljivo osmišljenje, uz sugestije klijenata i kolega i prevashodno iz psihoterapijske prakse, budući da se traumama bavim dugi niz godina, i stanja koja se mogu prepoznati na kartama su ona koja su opisivali klijenti.
Ove karte mogu biti karte svake osobe koja želi ispričati svoju životnu priču i istražiti još neosvetljene delove sebe.
One pozivaju na razgovor, a znamo da je razgovor o traumi naš put isceljenja.
A proces isceljenje ide iz psihoterapijskog sigurnog okrilja i širi se dalje, na šire društvo, kao dobra vest da je isceljenje moguće i da ovaj svet može biti dobro mesto za sve nas.
Autorke karti su Biljana Ćulafić, Anesa Vilić i Kosta Milovanović
Centar Modus Vivendi Sistem na svaka dva meseca organizuje ONLINE EDUKACIJU iz rada sa ovim kartama za sve zainteresovane psihoterapeute iz regiona: Srbija, Hrvatska, Crna Gora, Makedonija, Bosna, Slovenija.
Raspored edukacija vidljiv je na strani (pa link).
Edukacija je usmerena na tri segmenta:
- predavanje o traumi i korišćenju karti (sat vremena)
- edukativne filmove koji prikazuju kako se karte koriste u radu sa decom i odraslima (30 minuta)
- praktičan rad polaznika koji direktno vežbaju upotrebu karti (dva do tri sata) i koje supervizira edukator.
Edukacije se organizuju za male grupe što obezbeđuje sigurno mesto za rad.
Na kraju edukacije dobija se i sertifikat – od strane edukatora koji je nacionalno i evropski priznat psihoterapeut iz oblasti rada na traumi, kao i štampano uputstvo za rad sa ovim kartama.
Ovde možete preuzeti elektronsko uputstvo i detaljan opis karata.
Kako kupiti?
Karte možete naručiti putem e-maila:
Cena karti je 4700 dinara ili 40 € (+poštarina)
These associative cards encourage people who have undergone trauma and stress to verbalise their personal stories, which they might be saying out loud for the first time. By watching these cards clients may recognise conditions and feelings which seem familiar to them and thus can initiate story-telling about their personal trauma.
However, other than the cards which invite the client to openly talk about their trauma, pain, fear, embarrassment, powerlessness, and learned helplessness, the associative cards can also reflect the client’s development path, and also introduce a narrative of plasticity, hope, and healing.
The cards can be employed both in work with children and adults of all ages and genders, bearing in mind that the main character is a bunny with whom each person can easily identify.
The illustrator, Kosta Milovanović, imbued this bunny with emotions and movement. Hence, even people who haven’t had extremely traumatic experiences can recognise themselves in the cards, which is further proof that they can be both used in a therapeutic approach to stress and trauma, as well as reflecting about various life dilemmas and conditions, which are also illustrated by the cards. They can, therefore, be used in work with all the clients who accept them, within the psychotherapeutic process.
None of the cards themselves can be interpreted positive or negative – each and every one of them has the healing potential within psychotherapy because they propel people to “open up” about their traumatic experiences. Each client identifies with each card in accordance with his or her own experience and life perspective.
A measurable goal of these cards is empowering the psychotherapist to delve more deeply into the abyss of their client’s traumatic experiences. Traumatic experiences which are not always easy to access and process, for neither the client nor the therapist. By strengthening our own capacities and deepening knowledge about trauma and stress, as well as developing our client’s resilience during the process of revisiting painful parts of his or her own self – the psychotherapist creates a safe haven for their clients, where they can feel seen, accepted and respected.
In short, the associative cards provide both psychotherapists and clients with a rich field of exploration and fruitful dialogue about traumatic experiences.
The cards were meticulously designed, adopting suggestions by the clients and colleagues, and are primarily derived from actual therapeutic practice, given that I have been dealing with trauma for many years and the conditions which can be recognised on the cards are precisely those that my clients have recounted.
These cards can be a “stepping-off point” for any individual who wishes to unfold their life story and explore the still un-illuminated parts of them.
They invite dialogue, and we are well aware that the dialogue about trauma is our safest path to healing.
The healing process, in this case, starts from the safe psychotherapeutic shelter and spreads further, from each individual onto society. It spreads like good news that healing is possible and that this world can be a slightly better place for us all.
The proud authors of the cards are: Biljana Ćulafić, Anesa Vilić and Kosta Milovanović.
Instructions for using the cards will follow shortly.
Here you can download instructions and a detailed description of cards. *Currently available in Serbian only
How to buy?
You can order cards via e-mail:
Cards price is 4700 dinars or 40 € (+ shipping)